About Us

Our Mission

To share our passion for delicious and nourishing herbal teas with you, using the finest ingredients with no artificial flavorings. 

About Me

I'm Rachael and herbs are one of my passions. I love that God created these beautiful little plants not only to benefit and support our health but to taste amazing too!

Herbs and natural wellness have always been important to me, an interest that's only increased over time, leading me to pursue an education in herbs and health through accredited herbal academies and self-study.

After years of mixing my own teas, I began to share them with family and friends and before I knew it, "Chicory Girl" was born. I’m so grateful for the friends and family who supported my dream from the start.

Why Chicory Girl?

Chicory is one of my favorite herbs for multiple reasons. First, it's beautiful and I love seeing the gorgeous blue of the wild chicory decorating the roadsides and fence rows, usually popping up just in time for my birthday.

I love knowing right under the soil is the chicory roots which make some of the best herbal “coffee” that I have ever had. Not to mention it blends so well with chocolate!

Lastly, I love that these hearty little flowers thrive even in the rockiest of spots reminding me to bloom in all circumstances. This to me is what being a “Chicory Girl” is all about.

Why Buy Our Teas?

In case I haven’t said it before, I love tea! I especially love them being as natural and pure as possible. I've created blends designed to get the most health benefits from the herbs and also blends that are just for pleasure. Whichever type I'm creating though I'm passionate about making them taste incredible without anything artificial added.