How do I brew my tea?

How much herb blend should I use?
For a cup of tea: Use 1-2 teaspoons of herbal tea blend. If it's a strong flavored tea, 1 teaspoon usually is enough. If you prefer a really strong flavor or it's a tea with a softer taste, use 2 teaspoons.

For a pot of tea: Simply double it! 

How hot should the water be?
For herbal teas the water should be just under boiling, about 210 degrees F. This can vary some if you are brewing other teas such as plain green or black tea. 

How long should I brew it?
About 3-5 minutes is usually good. Lean towards the longer time if your blend has harder herbs in it such as roots in order to give it time to get as much goodness out as possible! 

Is it bad to brew it longer?
Not necessarily. The longer you brew it the more flavor it brings out from the herbs. This can actually be good with harder herbs or if you like super strong flavor. The negative is that it can also bring out any bitterness that some herbs have which can give your tea a more bitter flavor. 

Once you have your tea brewed simply discard your herbs, add any cream or sweetener you desire and enjoy! 

How are your teas prepared?
We carefully mix our teas in small batches to ensure quality and consistency. These are mixed in a commercial facility and then shipped out to you!


What is the best way to store teas?

Teas are best kept in a cool dark place to help ensure they stay at their highest quality for as long as possible. You can leave your teas in the package or transfer them to a jar with an airtight lid.


What is the shelf life of tea?

Different sources say different things on how long herbs are good for. They don’t typically spoil when kept dry and well stored, they can however loose their flavor and effectiveness over time. If you store them properly (see last question) we usually drink our teas for up to a year.


Are Chicory Girl tea blends organic?

We strive to use organic ingredients in all our products. Very occasionally an ingredient we purchase is not organic, but we look for the highest quality natural ingredients we can obtain.


Do you use natural ingredients?

The answer is a resounding, yes!! We feel that you should feel comfortable with the products you consume and that the best flavors are obtained by simply using the pure ingredients at their finest. Because of this we avoid using anything artificial or relying on “flavorings” to make our products taste amazing.


Where do you source your ingredients from?

We source from multiple trusted wholesalers as well as sourcing ingredients locally when we can.


Do you sell bulk quantities?

We do! If you are interested in purchasing a larger quantity of a tea blend than the sizes listed, please message us for quantities and pricing.